
Henry Jenkins - fandom blog tasks

Factsheet #107 - Fandom Use our Media Factsheet archive on the M: drive Media Shared (M:\Resources\A Level\Media Factsheets) to find Media Factsheet #107 on Fandom. Save it to USB or email it to yourself so you have access to the reading for homework. Read the whole of Factsheet and answer the following questions: 1) What is the definition of a fan? Fans do more than just like or even love a particular media text, ‘true fans’ have a devotion that goes beyond simply consuming media texts, and is, as Matt Hills argues, part of a person’s identity in much the same way as gender, class and age define who we are. 2) What the different types of fan identified in the factsheet? Hardcore Fans -  Hard core fans identify themselves as the ‘insiders’ within any given fandom and consider themselves to be aficionados of their chosen media text. They spend a lot of time and often money in becoming hard core fans. They take pride in how long they have been a fan and also the quan...

Learner response: OSP assessment

Your Online, Social and Participatory media assessment was tough - two 25-mark essay questions to replicate the kind of challenge we'll be facing in the Media Two exam. The first part of your learner response is to look carefully at your mark, grade and comments from your teacher. If anything doesn't make sense, ask your teacher  - it's crucial we're learning from the process of assessments and feedback as we move towards the exams at the end of this year. The second focuses on using the mark scheme as a learning resource and developing our skills in essay planning and structuring. Your learner response is as follows: Create a new blog post on your Media 1 Exam blog called ' OSP assessment learner response ' and complete the following tasks: 1) Type up your feedback in  full  (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential). WWW:  The first page or two of this exam is much better than a D grade - you show br...

Women and videogames: blog tasks

Work through the following blog tasks to complete this introduction to women in videogames. Medium article: Is Female Representation in Video Games Finally Changing? Read  this Medium feature on whether female representation in videogames is finally changing . Answer the following questions: 1) How have women traditionally been represented in videogames? Within the videogame industry, women are typically either objectified or seen as "damsels in distress". Examples of major videogames where this has happened is in iconic Lara Croft or even Princess Peach in the Mario franchise. out of the 14 Mario games, Princess Peach is captured in 13 of them. 2) What percentage of the video game audience is female? 42% of the video game demographic is female, which indicates that times are slowly changing to become more equal.   3) What recent games have signalled a change in the industry and what qualities do the female protagonists offer? Recent games that signify a change in t...