Blog task: Score advert and wider reading

1) What year was the advert produced and why is the historical context important?

The score hair cream advert was produced in 1967 and the historical context is important so we can find out more about the time era and what society was like at that time.

Analyse the mise-en-scene in the advert (CLAMPS): how is costume, make-up and placement of models constructed to show male dominance?

he Mise en scene in this advert is very crucial aspect of this advert as there are certain traditions and stereotypes that are reinforced to the audience through the costumes of the girls which highlight them as being very sexual and dependanton the male as they are reaching up to him and this suggests that he is quite superior. The idea that the women are placed beneath him and he is above also may be reinforcing the idea that he has the role of the leader who has the gun which is a phallic symbol which is used to convey that he needs this to gain something otherwise without this he is nothing.

The main slogan is: 'Get what you've always wanted'. What does this suggest to the audience and how does it reflect the social and cultural context of 1967?

The slogan is saying 'get what you've always wanted' which is the use of Direct mode of address which provides the audiences with a sense of desire and imagination of this fantasy that he has achieved through this product as this anchors the meaning of the slogan. This provides Diversion for the audiences and a sense of escapism. This reflects the  social and historical context because it reinforces the idea that a males are the leaders as there is representation of thishypermasculinity.

Why is it significant that the advert text says it is "made by men" and that it also contains "Score's famous masculine scent"?

It is significant that the advert says that this product is ''made by men''  and has a ''masculine scent'' reinforces the idea that the males position was seen as dominant and superior which makes the product appear in a better light. Also the fact that it is important to have this scent so that you can also live this fantasy that this guy is living in this advert.

What representation of sexuality can be found in the advert?

The representation of sexuality being presented to the audience is through the females having quite a sexual way of being represented and only being partially clothed where as the male is clothed fully which reinforces the idea that women are being represented as sexual objects within this. This means that the power dynamic is more focused on the males and the advert is very gratuitous as the image doesn't represent the product being presented.

How does the advert reflect representations of masculinity in advertising 50 years ago?

The advert reflects the representation of masculinity very well because 50 years ago male were seen to be more dominant and superior just like he is portrayed in this advert as above the females as a kind of leader.

How much do you think things have changed with regards to representations of masculinity in advertising?

The representations of masculinity in my opinion have changed significantly than the past because now both sexes are equally sexualised and there is the idea of the female gaze as well as the male gaze so pleasures are constructed for both genders.

The Drum: This Boy can Article:

1) Why does the writer suggest that we may face a "growing 'boy crisis'"?

The writer suggests that we may be facing a growing boy crisis because of the fact that the wrong sex is being over powered and women are being given a subordinate position as a result. However the writer claims that we don't really tackle the issues affecting boys that much as there is a bias that they just need to man up rather than actually reveal any issues.

How has the Axe/Lynx brand changed its marketing to present a different representation of masculinity?

The Axe Lynx brand has changed the way it is being advertised as it presents more diverse definition of what a man actually is and how they are able to 'find their magic' in whatever way they oppose to which contradicts other representations of men.

 How does campaigner David Brockway, quoted in the article, suggest advertisers "totally reinvent gender constructs"?

David Brockway claims that advertisers ''Totally reinvent gender constructs'' which means that there are still stereotypes being portrayed of the masculine identity because males are not represented as liking pink or worrying about getting dirty whilst girls are so which why he says that advertisers are making adverts that suit society rather than offering alternative representation.

How have changes in family and society altered how brands are targeting their products?

Changes in the family and society have led brands to alter the way they promote certain products because the internet is allowing the audience to have their say in certain things which is pursuing change in certain representations of brands.

Why does Fernando Desouches, Axe/Lynx global brand development director, say you've got to "set the platform" before you explode the myth of masculinity?

Fernando Desouches Axe Lynx global brand director claims you have to set the platform before  exploding the myth of masculinity because the way certain looks and appearances are represented help to promote the product more by showing audiences the actual view of a male identity by putting these fake ones aside.

Campaign why brands need to change:

What are two ways advertising traditionally presented masculinity?

The two ways advertising traditionally presented masculinity is altruistic and self serving.
  • Altruistic meaning that  traditional masculinity causes problems or represents women as being subordinate.
  • The self serving reason is that masculinity is continually changing and shifting as brands are using this as a reason to promote their products which is increasing competition.
2) What are the two reasons the writer Joseph Gelfer suggests for why this needs to change?

Joseph Gelfer suggests that this needs to change because the adverts are carrying on being repetitive and just portraying masculinity in a stereotypical aspect will only increase fewer justice and less diversity.

3) What are the five stages of masculinity?

The five stages of masculinity:
  • stage 1- ''unconscious masculinity''-traditional views of men
  • stage 2-''conscious masculinity''-same as above but deliberate
  • stage 3-''critical masculinity'' -feminists socially constructed
  • stage 4-''Multiple masculinity''-anyone can be anything
  • stage 5-''beyond masculinity''-It doesn't exist Gender fluidity
4) Take the Five Stages of Masculinity Personality Inventory test to see what stage of masculinity you are at. Where did it suggest your views are currently? Do you agree with its assessment? You can read more about the five stages of masculinity here.

This was the result i received after doing the test and i partly agree with it even though some questions were not a good sources of measure as it can be difficult to make generalisations.

You are:
Stage 3 on The Five Stages of Masculinity. Remember, the stages are only indicative, and people can be on different stages for different aspects of masculinity that are not captured by this tool.
5) What stage of masculinity was the Score advert aiming at in 1967?

The stage of masculinity that the score advert conveyed was stage one has it reinforced a traditional view of men.

6) Why are the stages of masculinity important for companies and advertisers when targeting an audience?

Each of these stages are significant as it gives a route to advertisers in what they should have within their adverts in order to improve diversity and give a different source of segmentation of men within adverts.


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