Magazine practical task planning
Planning Create a separate blogpost called ' Magazine practical task planning ' and complete the following tasks: 1) Plan your main flash - this is the main cover story that links to your central image. Panesar returns after months of injury 2) Plan the image you will need for the cover - model, costume, make-up, lighting etc. At this point, simply describe the image you need to capture. The magazine i will be doing is an ESPN sports covers so i would need my model to be wearing some sort of sports wear (like a basketball, football, tennis, etc) in order to stick with the theme of my magazine cover. 3) Write the cover lines and any additional text you need for your magazine cover. - Fierce rival James Johnson challenges him to a dual - Mayweather, will he still have it 10 years later - Make or break game for the Chicago point guard 4) Sketch out your cover on plain A4 paper using your written planning. Take a photo ...