Weekly media news 5 - Daily Mail
Daily Mail
British couple are among five people killed in Majorca flash floods after taxi they were in was swept away by torrent of water

The couple are thought to have been taking a taxi through the town of Sant LLorenc des Cardassar, on Majorca, when they were caught in a flash flood (main) and their vehicle was swept away. The pair were among at least five people killed when a sudden downpour of rain turned streets into rivers overnight (right), flooding homes and businesses. Their taxi driver is also believed to be among five people missing after the disaster, which struck on Tuesday when seven inches of rain fell in a two-hour span. Around 100 people were forced to spend the night in temporary shelter (top left) after water cut off Sant LLorenc, which was only accessible by foot on Wednesday morning.
I believe this is an example of soft news journalism. Soft news stories relates to entertainment sport, celebrities, gossip, scandal and human interest/lifestyle topics.
British couple are among five people killed in Majorca flash floods after taxi they were in was swept away by torrent of water

The couple are thought to have been taking a taxi through the town of Sant LLorenc des Cardassar, on Majorca, when they were caught in a flash flood (main) and their vehicle was swept away. The pair were among at least five people killed when a sudden downpour of rain turned streets into rivers overnight (right), flooding homes and businesses. Their taxi driver is also believed to be among five people missing after the disaster, which struck on Tuesday when seven inches of rain fell in a two-hour span. Around 100 people were forced to spend the night in temporary shelter (top left) after water cut off Sant LLorenc, which was only accessible by foot on Wednesday morning.
I believe this is an example of soft news journalism. Soft news stories relates to entertainment sport, celebrities, gossip, scandal and human interest/lifestyle topics.
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